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Blooming new appearance level run out of acceleration - focus on the 2022 Baoding TWO sessions | the second session of the 14th CPPCC received 632 proposals

Add time:2022-02-07   Number of views:181  

Reporter from baoding city people's political consultative conference sessions of the 14 th proposal committee meeting, since the first session of the CPPCC 14th, the CPPCC member, Chinese people's political consultative conference to attend units, and the special committees, actively by sm proposal Suggestions, since the duty, to promote the modern city of quality life blossom ran out of the new appearance level acceleration contribution wisdom and strength, as of January 23, 12, A total of 632 proposals were received.

According to the Regulations on The Work of Proposals, 554 cases were pre-registered, 9 cases were merged, 46 cases needed further examination, and 23 cases were not registered. Of the pre-registered proposals, 181 were collective proposals, accounting for 32.7 percent; Committee members made 373 proposals, accounting for 67.3%. The proposal is closely related to the center topic selection, suggestions and suggestions.

Baoding Daily January 24 - (reporter Anya jing bai Bing) concentric circles drawn, by the dream of new Baoding. The second session of the 14th Baoding Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), which lasted for 3 days, concluded at the Guanhanqing Grand Theater on The afternoon of 24th.

According to the agenda of the meeting, the congress announced that Xie Peng was elected vice chairman of the 14th COMMITTEE of the CPPCC Baoding City, and Ye Quxiang, Zhao Jianmin, Zhao Mintao and Mo Nannan were elected standing members.

The meeting deliberated and adopted the resolution of the second session of the 14th Committee of the CPPCC Baoding City on the work report of the Standing Committee; We deliberated and adopted the resolution of the second session of the 14th Committee of the CPPCC Baoding City on the report on the work of proposals since 2021. We deliberated and approved a report on the review of proposals by the Committee for Handling Proposals of the second session of the 14th Committee of the BAOding Committee of the CPPCC. Deliberated and adopted the political resolution of the second session of the 14th CPPCC Baoding Committee.


Tai tong international chairman ChuXuan as a member of the CPPCC members, efforts to promote the modernization of the city of quality life, blooming new level ran out of the acceleration of BSFLP appearance, should further promote the business environment improve engineering, expand opening to the outside world policy requirements, proposed by promoting the male international port of wisdom and the "area" commodity exhibition exhibition center project in the review through the proposal. Under the leadership and guidance of leaders at all levels, our company will inspire spirit, be realistic and innovative, make modest contribution to the development of our city and make new achievements.

Lee junling stressed that the best way to pay tribute to history is to write a new history; The best way to grasp the future is to create a better one. The municipal CPPCC system and its members should unite more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and work together hand in hand under the strong leadership of the CPC Baoding Municipal Committee, so as to welcome the victory of the 20th CPC National Congress with outstanding achievements.

The conference closed with the grand national anthem.

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