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Cooperation, development, win-win! —Taitong International's "China-ASEAN" multimodal transport international train is ready to start again

Add time:2020-12-12   Number of views:235  

On December 12, in the comprehensive service hall of Beijing-Tianjin-Baoding Internationa Port of Wisdom, the opening ceremony of the "China-ASEAN Multimodal Transport International Train" was successfully held. This is another important measure taken by Taitong International Transportation Co., Ltd. to implement the national "Belt and Road" construction, based on serving Xiong'an and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, and to build a foreign trade channel in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. China (Yunnan) Pilot Free Trade Zone Honghe Area Management Committee, Lianchi District Government, relevant leaders of Taitong International, and more than 30 representatives of Baoding Belt and Road Council for the Promotion of International Trade and entrepreneurs  attended  the  ceremony.



The China-ASEAN multimodal transport international train is an important initiative of Taitong International Transportation Co., Ltd. and the Honghe Area Management Committee to build a major international logistics channel between Xiong'an (Baoding) - Kunming - Hekou - Hanoi - Haiphong. It is the first international freight train in China to leave the country through China's Hekou port. The overall route is: short-distance assembly of goods to the departure station Baoding (Beijing-Tianjin- Baoding International Port of Wisdom) - Kunming - Hekou (Vietnam Lao Street) Port - cargo distribution and transportation To the receiving place in ASEAN countries, the total length of the line is about 5,000 kilometers. The China-ASEAN (Vietnam) multimodal international train takes about 80 hours from Baoding to Haiphong, which is nearly one-third shorter than the road transportation time. This has created favorable conditions for Chinese products to reach the market terminal of ASEAN countries in a timely and smooth manner. The official operation of the ASEAN train has been highly valued by all parties, and CCTV and other media have carried out relevant reports.


The "China-ASEAN" multimodal transport international train is an important measure of Taitong International to adapt to the international trade situation and to link ASEAN's international trade business with Vietnam as the focus. The opening of the train will make Baoding an important international trade platform for Vietnam and ASEAN trade to extend from Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan to Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and the north, and has received positive responses from relevant domestic and international parties. In particular, on September 6 at the Beijing Service Trade Fair, the contract was successfully signed with Vietnam’s Ming Kai Company. On September 23, Director Qiao Xiaolin of Hebei Provincial Development and Reform Commission led a team to visit Mr. Fan Xingmei, the Vietnamese ambassador, and received high praise and support. At present, it has established cooperation with relevant governments and enterprises in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, etc. on trains and trade, laying the foundation for the stable operation of the subsequent ASEAN trains.

The official operation of the "China-ASEAN Multimodal Transport International Train" is another phased achievement in the construction of the "Beijing-Tianjin-Guangzhou International Port of Wisdom" of Taitong International. Through the Wisdom Port platform and the internal and external linkage of the international train line, it will effectively promote the development of multilateral trade, realize the simultaneous development of domestic and foreign trade, stimulate the economic demand of Vietnam and the neighboring ASEAN countries along the "Belt and Road", expand trade production capacity, and open up new economic and trade relations between China and ASEAN. The channel promotes the continuous development of economic and trade relations between China and South Asia and Southeast Asia.

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