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[Beijing Tianjin Baoding IinternationalSmart Port] Remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind

Add time:2019-11-01   Number of views:232  

This is an ordinary but extraordinary day.In the conference room of Baoding Municipal government, from time to time, there are voices of discussion, and the scheduling meeting of Beijing Tianjin Baotou International Smart port project is in progress.

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    At this meeting, sun Qijun, member of the Standing Committee of Baoding Municipal Committee and deputy mayor, attended in person. Luo Ning, assistant of general manager of Huabei Oilfield Company, Liu Wenxin, secretary and deputy manager of capital operation Department of Huabei Oilfield Company, more than ten leaders of relevant departments of Huayou company, and Zhang Wei, general planner of overall planning of Beijing Tianjin Baoding International Smart port project, were also invited to attend At that time, there were also the direct leaders of secretary general Fu Jianbin, Baoding Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Baoding customs, Baoding Ministry of transport, Baoding natural resources and Planning Bureau, Baoding Lianchi District and other units attending the meeting. Chu Xuan, chairman of Taitong company, as the operator of the project, also participated in the dispatching meeting.

    Since the establishment of Beijing Tianjin Baoji International Smart port project, the project has been highly concerned and supported by provincial, municipal and district leaders, and the overall project has been continuously promoted with the joint efforts of the city, District, North China Oilfield Company and Taitong company.

    The meeting was presided over by Fu Jianbin, the secretary general, and the representative of Taitong company reported the overall progress of the Beijing Tianjin Baotou International Smart port project, as well as the progress of the opening of "xiong'an (Baoding) - Huanghua Port / Tianjin Port - Tangier port of Morocco" international ocean shipping line. Then Zhang Wei, chief planner of CSCEC group, made a special report on the overall planning and development prospect of the project. Finally, Li Dongsheng, chief of materials branch of North China Petroleum Administration, made a report on the work of North China Petroleum Management Company.

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    After the report, Mr. Luo Ning, assistant general manager of Huabei Oilfield Company, first expressed his affirmation and support for the project on behalf of the senior leaders of Huabei Oilfield Company, emphasized once again that Huabei Oilfield Company would fully support the promotion of the project, and pointed out that in the process of promoting the project, all factors should be fully considered, division of labor and cooperation should be done well, and the progress of the project should be ensured, with emphasis on the management committee of Beijing Tianjin Baoding International Smart Port is a very good attempt in the process of promoting the project. It emphasizes that the functions of the joint management committee should be detailed and practical.

    After Mr. Luoning's speech, mayor sun first expressed his welcome to Mr. Luoning and other leaders of Huabei Oilfield, thanked the high-level leaders of Huabei Oilfield for their concern and support for the project, reiterated the support attitude of leaders at all levels of Baoding city for the project, and was willing to work with Huabei Oilfield Company to do a good project for the country and the people.

    At the same time, mayor Sun also put forward higher requirements for the project. In terms of the planning and design of the project, it should be developed in-depth and more reasonable, and form linkage with the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and the future planning and development of Xiong'an. At the same time, we should learn more, and connect closely with xiong'an's standards. No matter in terms of various services, work efficiency or function, we should take higher standards as references. Mayor Sun stressed once again that Beijing Tianjin Baoding international smart port is an important node in the construction of "One Belt and One Road", the construction of Xiong’an New Area, and the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, to build Beijing Tianjin Baoding International Smart Port into a comprehensive platform, not only limited to the logistics industry.


Finally, mayor Sun said that we should have firm confidence in the project and complete the planning and construction of the project in an innovative way. All functional departments should seek innovative systems and initiatives and provide ideological and policy guarantees.

      With the attention and support of leaders at all levels, the Beijing Tianjin Baoding International Smart port project will be presented in front of clients with higher standards, faster speed and better services based on Baoding to serve Baoding, Xiong'an and Beijing Tianjin Hebei provinces.

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