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Chu Xuan, Chairman of Hebei Taitong Logistics Co., Ltd. was named "Outstanding Person in Hebei Logistics"

Add time:2017-09-22   Number of views:237  

On September 22, 2017, Hebei Modern Logistics Association held the "Second Session of the Second Council Meeting" in Shijiazhuang. Hebei Taitong Logistics Co., Ltd. was invited to participate as a vice president unit and made a typical speech as a representative of an advanced enterprise.


At the meeting, Taitong company introduced the implementation of the "Belt and Road" strategy progress, in a short period of one and a half years, the continuous opening of three international train lines, from the pioneer of the logistics industry to the industry leader, logistics industry in Hebei Province has made contributions to the development. At this meeting, Taitong Logistics was named "top 50 logistics enterprises in Hebei province", and chairman Chu Xuan was named "Outstanding Person of Hebei Logistics in 2017".


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