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Hu Baoli, executive deputy dean and the delegation of Industrial and Commercial College; Hebei University visited our company for investigation.

Add time:2016-10-11   Number of views:248  

On the morning of October 9, 2016,Hu Baoli -executive vice dean of Industrial and Commercial College; Hebei University, Yu Qiang- deputy dean of teaching, Jiang Aijun- director of Teaching Affairs, An Yanfen- chief of Academic Affairs Department of management, Han Xiaojie- chief of Academic Affairs Department of economics and other members visited Taitong International Transport Co., Ltd. to have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the company, and to discuss the talents training strategy reached in the early stage -- the Setting up of Hebei University of the undergraduate major "Taitong International Business Logistics Class", Taitong International Transportation Co., Ltd. has become the talent training base of Hebei University.


Zhang Yingmei, deputy manager on behalf of Taitong International Transportation Co., Ltd., extended a warm welcome to Hu Baoli and the delegation.


Later, in the meeting room of the company, Wang Lixin, assistant to the president, made a detailed introduction to Hu Baoli and the delegation in the form of PPT on the company's business scope, enterprise qualification, corporate culture, domestic special train operation, international freight train operation and the preparation of the project of Beijing- Tianjin- Baoding Rail Transit International Logistics Park. And they also made a detailed explanation and description on the special train, international train and Beijing- Tianjin- Baoding Rail Transit International Logistics Park.


 After listening to the company's report, Hu Baoli, executive vice dean and his party gave full affirmation to the company's enterprise spirit - shouldering mission, hard work, win-win cooperation and achieving future; core values - facing the world and running large logistics well; enterprise vision - the future leader of China's logistics industry; enterprise mission - to speed up China's logistics, and further expressed early The intention of setting up "Taitong International Business Logistics Class".


The two sides made a preliminary discussion on the training direction, curriculum content, teaching form, enterprise post demand, student quality development and other details of "Taitong International Business Logistics Class", and expressed their opinions and suggestions.


Then, Hu Baoli, executive vice dean and his party came to the project site of Beijing- Tianjin- Baoding Rail Transit International Logistics Park, which is located at the intersection of south 2nd Ring Road and Great Wall Street, to have a field inspection and understanding of the special railway line, storage area and operation area of the upper and lower stations in the park.


Our company is looking forward to the talent training strategy reached with Hebei University - the setting up to the undergraduate specialty "Taitong International Business Logistics Class". Taitong International Transport Co., Ltd. becomes the talent training base of Hebei University, which can realize the enterprise mission as soon as possible, and input more professional talents for the development of logistics industry.

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