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Work together with ASEAN to deepen cooperation and build a fast track for multilateral trade flows

Add time:2020-08-08   Number of views:227  

On August 8th, 2020, the 53rd anniversary celebration of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) was held. Taitong International Transportation Co., Ltd. was invited as a special guest to attend the meeting and make a speech.

Nguyen Trung Hieu, consul general of general consulate of Vietnam (ASEAN's rotating presidency in 2020) to Kunming presided over the meeting. He pointed out that in order to take concrete actions to help ASEAN economic development in China, Chu Xuan, chairman of Taitong international transportation company, was invited to introduce two cooperative projects to consul generals of general consulates of ASEAN to Kunming. Nguyen Trung Hieu believed that the projects would be supported and assisted by consul generals of general consulates of ASEAN to Kunming, hoping the two cooperative projects would be implemented at an early date. The projects would contribute to the future development of China, exchanges of business, investment and tourism between Yunnan, Hebei and ASEAN countries as well as speeding up the economic recovery in the region after the outbreak of the pandemics".

Chairman Chu Xuan first of all, on behalf of the company, extended warm congratulations to the 53rd anniversary of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Vietnam's rotating presidency of ASEAN in 2020. Next chairman Chu Xuan introduced his company, "China-ASEAN international multimodal transport freight trains", "Beijing-Tianjin-Baoding international smart port" and other key projects. He emphasized 2020 marked digital economic cooperation between China and ASEAN. The international big data platform built by Taitong International will provide free one-stop services for enterprises to carry out international trade. Real trade will be promoted through network transaction and then logistics transportation will be boosted so that economies of countries along belt and road will be recovered quickly. Relying on the big data platform, Taitong International will help enterprises from all over the world to realize online production, supply and marketing for trade exchanges and set up offline national pavilions in the park zone so as to realize simultaneously online and offline exhibition of high-quality products. Chu Xuan sincerely invited enterprises from ASEAN countries to visit and inspect Taitong International Smart Port.

Chairman Chu Xuan expressed his willingness to work together with relevant institutions and enterprises of ASEAN countries to build a better platform for bilateral economic and trade cooperation, expand wider channels, provide better services and create more conveniences, so as to make contributions to a better future for China-ASEAN economic and trade cooperation in the new era.

The meeting thoroughly demonstrated the determination and strength of Taitong International responding to national call and seizing the opportunity of strategic cooperation. As a bridge connecting China and ASEAN, ASEAN international freight trains will play an outstanding role in deepening economic and trade exchanges and linking up the economic belt with ASEAN. With its forward-looking concept and complete service system, Beijing-Tianjin-Baoding International Smart Port will also help more enterprises from various countries to get on the fast track of trade development, realize common development and win-win outcome.

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