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Li Guoyong, member of the Standing Committee of Baoding Municipal Party Committee and executive vice mayor, visited Taitong International for guidance and research

Add time:2020-07-21   Number of views:234  

On July 21st, 2020, Li Guoyong, member of the standing committee of the municipal party committee and executive vice mayor, visited Taitong International Transportation Co., Ltd. for research and guidance, accompanied by Zhou Linwei, deputy secretary general of the municipal government and leaders from related municipal and district departments. The research group inspected the site of Beijing Tianjin Baoding International Smart Port and CEO of Taitong International Transportation Co., Ltd. reported in detail the operation of the enterprise, the big data platform and the construction progress of the smart port. Members from  Taitong International made speeches according to mayor Li's inquiry and their own working functions.

After listening to the detailed work report, Mayor Li Guoyong pointed out that Beijing-Tianjin-Baoding International Smart Port is a key project of "Belt and Road Initiative". He said provincial and municipal leaders attached great importance to the project. It is a project that benefits the people and drives the economy of our city. It is a good thing that benefits our country and people and should be strongly supported. Taitong company has grown well in the international trade and information platform which is of great significance to the international trade in the whole region and the combination of online and offline growth and plays an important role in supporting international trade. All relevant departments of the government should strictly implement relevant instructions of the municipal government, define responsibilities and objectives, coordinate and implement the project to ensure successful completion of the project.

For the advice and effective arrangements by mayor of Li Guoyong and research group leaders, Chu Xuan, chairman of Taitong International felt very excited and expressed his heartfelt thanks, saying: Taitong International would set foot on the growth of international business and project development in synchrony. We will take Belt and Road Initiative economic belt as the core and make three-dimensional layout based on multimodal transport such as air, railway and ocean transport. We will boost trade through transport and vice versa, make new trade and logistics platform so as to boost foreign business and trade and promote Beijing-Tianjin-Baoding inter-connective development.

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