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Customs leaders conducted in-depth research on enterprises, sorted out prominent problems,

Add time:2020-05-08   Number of views:241  

On August 5th, 2020, Wang Weibing, vice director of Shijiazhuang customs, and Xu Guodong, director of port supervision department visited Taitong International Transportation Co., Ltd. and guided the construction of the customs supervision site at Beijing-Tianjin-Baoding International Smart Port. Ni Beiguang, director of Baoding Customs, Huang Rui, deputy director, Wang Jianhua, chief of inspection section and other leaders also visited the port.

The research group first inspected the construction site of Beijing-Tianjin-Baoding International Smart Port and customs supervision site and Chu Xuan, chairman of Taitong International gave a detailed report and explanation on the project construction and progress.

Afterwards, a discussion was held on matters related to the construction of customs supervision sites. During the discussion, director Wang Weibing gave full affirmation and high attention to Taitong company and the smart port. He pointed out that the purpose of this research was to have a deep understanding of project difficulties and actual needs, propose solutions and help to complete the project as soon as possible. Customs department should give support and specific guidance to the construction scheme review and the construction of supervision sites. Director Wang indicated that he would strongly support the operation of ASEAN international freight trains operated by Taitong International this year.

Director Wang Weibing instructed that port supervision department and science and technology department must take action as soon as possible and provide specific technical support to the project construction.

Customs leaders conducted in-depth research on enterprises, sorted out prominent problems, and organized specific conference. Those effective measures have boosted development confidence of the enterprise and will effectively boost its steady economic growth. The enterprise will play a bigger role in economic and trade growth of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

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