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On May 7, Li Junling, standing member of Baoding Municipal Committee and Executive Vice Mayor, came to investigate and guide the work of Taitong company

Add time:2019-05-07   Number of views:246  

On May 7 2019,  Li Junling, executive vice Mayor of Standing Committee of Baoding Municipal Party Committee, Zhang Xi, deputy secretary general of Baoding Municipal Government and other leaders visited Taitong Company for investigation and on-site work, Accompanied by Chu Xuan, chairman of Taitong Company, the research team inspected the site of The Beijing-Tianjin-Baoding International Port of wisdom project and had a detailed understanding of the project planning, construction and future development.

Baoding municipal committee, deputy mayor Li Junling pointed out in site office at national, provincial, city is very attaches great importance to the development of international trade, trade sector, each department and the Lianchi disctrict to plan as a whole, forming resultant force, strengthening service, implement the policy support, clear positioning, and speed up the development, continue to deepen innovation and entrepreneurship, serve development and people’s livelihood. Three deepening and three promotion activities, strengthen the guidance, communication, docking,  Analyze and study the problems encountered in project construction, propose solutions, define responsible departments, and effectively solve the problems in enterprise development and project construction.

Li Junling pointed out that to further clarify the functional positioning of the project, do a good job of industrial planning, the construction of Xiong’an, Beijing, Tianjin, international standards;  Land use and planning should be done well in accordance with laws and regulations to achieve innovative development.  Explore new models and paths to ensure quick construction and early returns.  We should draw lessons from advanced experience and pay attention to policy support, regular scheduling, regular consultation and continuous tracking, to build Baoding's important node of foreign economic and trade, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the city's foreign trade.

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