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Build one belt, one road in green area

Add time:2022-04-17   Number of views:244  

One belt, one road, and one belt, one road, has been built in recent years. In order to promote green infrastructure development, green investment and green finance, China and other countries concerned will strengthen cooperation in the field of ecological environment, biodiversity conservation and climate change, and jointly build a green "one belt" road.

One belt, one road project, has a higher proportion of renewable energy investment than fossil energy in the first half of this year, according to data released by the Institute of public policy of the US enterprise.

Practical actions to support regional and global environmental protection

With binoculars and a digital camera, Fabiano Faria boarded the helicopter. As the line manager of phase II UHV DC transmission project in Meili mountain, Brazil, he and his colleagues flew 67 hours in 12 days to inspect the 2500 km long transmission line built by China's State Grid.

The clean hydropower generated in the Amazon basin in northern Brazil continuously reaches the densely populated areas in the south through high transmission lines, through dense forests, vast plantations and undulating mountains. During the inspection, Faria recorded magnificent pictures along the transmission line with a camera.

Faria said that during the construction of the project, China has hired more than 600 animal and plant experts to carry out environmental protection related work, so as to avoid and reduce the impact of the project on the environment as much as possible. "For example, the high tower reduces the damage to trees. After the completion of the project, the environmental restoration work such as soil stabilization and reforestation has also been done very well."

The world's longest transmission line with the same voltage level has met the power demand of about 22 million people in the past year, and has played an important role in promoting Brazil's economic growth and green energy transformation.

On the reddish brown hills of the grand Karoo plateau in southern South Africa, white fans are slowly rotating, and the power produced can meet the needs of the nearby de'a city.

In November 2017, the de'a wind power project developed by China National Energy Group Longyuan South Africa Company was officially put into operation for power generation, becoming China's first wind power project integrating investment, construction and operation in Africa and the largest wind power project in South Africa at present. The project can supply about 760 million kwh of clean power to the local area every year, which is equivalent to saving 215800 tons of standard coal and reducing 619900 tons of carbon dioxide, so as to meet the power demand of 300000 households.

"At present, South Africa has a large power gap, which has affected economic development." Gert glebler, a senior diplomat of South Africa, pointed out that South Africa is a large power country in Africa, supplying 40% of the electricity in Africa, but the thermal power generation fueled by coal accounts for more than 90% of the total power generation in the country. "The new energy projects undertaken by Chinese enterprises are changing the energy structure of South Africa. At the same time, they are also in line with South Africa's national plan to reduce its dependence on thermal power and develop clean energy, and make an important contribution to promoting green development in Africa."

China's one belt, one road and one green development project, is a microcosm of China's beautiful mountains and hydropower stations. "China has taken practical actions to support regional and global environmental protection, especially playing a leading role in addressing climate change, which is highly praised by the international community." Tu Ruihe, chief representative of the UNEP representative office in China, said.

Promote cooperation and promote the sustainable development of production practice

On August 25 this year, the UK Mendi battery energy storage project, the largest energy storage project in Europe developed by China Huaneng holdings, began cold commissioning, marking the final stage of the project and is expected to be put into commercial operation by the end of the year.

Renewable energy in the UK is developing rapidly, but the power output is intermittent and volatile. After the completion of Mendi battery energy storage project, it will mainly participate in peak shaving and frequency modulation, fast frequency response, black start, capacity market and other services in the UK power market. It can provide emergency support power supply in case of accidents in the main power grid and effectively improve the stability and safety level of the power grid.

"From specific emission reduction targets to economic recovery in the post epidemic era, and even accelerating global green transformation, there is great potential for EU China cooperation." Lutz weischer, head of international environmental policy of German environmental protection organization "Germany watch", believes that China is vigorously promoting the construction of ecological civilization, and EU China Green cooperation will lead the world's green cooperation and development. In fact, China EU green cooperation projects have been implemented continuously in recent years. The R & D projects of electric bicycles, electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles jointly carried out by the Ministry of science and technology of China and the Federal Ministry of education and research of Germany have set up joint laboratories in Beijing and Shanghai.

One belt, one road project is being built by China's government. Improve technical support and prevent ecological and environmental risks; One belt, one road, eco environmental protection and big data service platform, and strengthen ecological environmental protection services and decision support.

Last August, China and South Africa jointly established the South China clean energy joint research center. Glebler said that cooperation in the field of clean energy is expected to solve the common problems and challenges currently perplexing the two countries in the development process. China's support has provided great help to the cause of energy conservation and emission reduction in South Africa.

"One belt, one road" project has promoted the sustainable development of local production practice through advocating green development. China's one belt, one road initiative, Marcos Freitas, director of the Global Institute of virtual research at the Federal University of Rio, Brazil, said that China actively advocated green ecological ideas and the construction of the green silk road has become an important path to implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda for 2030, and has received wide support.

Set an example and lead global green finance and green investment

With the support of the Asian infrastructure investment bank (aiib) and other multilateral development banks, Maldives has established a sustainable regional solid waste treatment system in the greater male capital region. Over the past 30 years, waste from the greater male area has been dumped on tirafosh island. "The damale waste to energy project will benefit the people of the damale region and have a broader impact by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the impact on climate change." Pan Dean, vice president of investment and operation of aiib, said.

In October this year, CLP international, China power and the Asian investment bank, the European bank for reconstruction and development and the industrial and Commercial Bank of China officially signed the financing agreement for the zanatas wind power project in Kazakhstan. The first batch of wind turbines were connected to the grid in September, marking that the wind power project with the largest installed capacity in Central Asia began to output green energy and played an important role in the "decarbonization" of Kazakhstan's energy system.

"From ecological governance, energy conservation and environmental protection to clean energy and cultural tourism, China has actively participated in green investment and green finance and played an exemplary role." Freitas said.

China and China jointly launched one belt, one road, the international financial cooperation platform (IPSF), which actively utilized the "one belt" green investment and financing cooperation and multilateral and bilateral platforms such as the high level financial dialogue between China, Europe, Britain, China and France, and contributed to China's efforts to promote the Paris agreement on climate change and the sustainable development agenda of the United Nations in 2030. "China attaches great importance to ecological and environmental protection and sends a clear signal of high quality and sustainable development." Bhattarai, executive chairman of Nepal China Research Center, said.

One belt, one road green investment principle, was signed by the green finance Specialized Committee of China Financial Association and the city of London in April last year. As of September this year, 37 signatory institutions and 12 supporting institutions from 14 countries and regions around the world have participated. "The recovery supported by green finance will contribute to financial stability and international cooperation." Chen Yulu, vice president of the people's Bank of China, believes that green recovery can ensure the quality of economic development and the operation of the financial system, help promote international practical cooperation and safeguard multilateralism and economic globalization.

One belt, one road green development international alliance one belt, one road green investment principle, and environmental protection cooperation and cooperation with more than 100 countries has been launched. "China's rapid economic and social development has left a deep impression on the world. China has accelerated the green transformation of economy and society, disseminated the concept of ecological civilization, helped many countries jointly realize the global ecological agenda, and contributed Chinese wisdom and strength to the construction of global ecological civilization." Batrai said.

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