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Successful Visit to Kashgar, Xinjiang and Uzbekistan

Add time:2023-06-05   Number of views:201  

From May 25th to 29th, Chu Xuan, Chairman of Taitong International, along with relevant leaders from Langfang Development and Reform Commission, Langfang Customs, and Beijing Freight Center, visit Kashgar,Xinjiang for international multimodal transportation inspection and research. Under the coordination and organization of the Kashgar Regional Development and Reform Commission, the investigation team hold exchanges and discussions with leaders of Kashgar Customs, Kashgar Commerce Bureau, Foreign Affairs Office of the Regional Administration, Kashgar Economic Development Zone Development and Promotion Bureau, Kashgar Freight Center, Kashgar Comprehensive Bonded Zone, and relevant enterprise leaders. They fully discuss and exchange ideas on building a new international multimodal transportation route for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (Langfang/Baoding)- Kashgar- Uzbekistan.


Accompanied by the Kashgar Development and Reform Commission, the delegation go to visit Kashgar North Railway Station, Kashgar Cargo Center, Irkeshtan Customs, and Irkeshtan port for on-site investigation and research, to fully understand the requirements and procedures of international multimodal cargo transportation and customs clearance, which lays a solid foundation for the opening of the new route.


All parties express their willingness to strengthen communication and cooperation with Taitong International at the meeting, and will give full play to the advantages of Kashgar's railway yard and port customs clearance, fully support and help the implementation of the project, and make joint efforts for the prosperity and development of China-Central Asia trade and convenient logistics.


On May 29th (the 10th day after the end of the China China Asia Summit), after being fully familiar with the multimodal transportation and customs clearance situation in various sections of China, Chairman Chu Xuan immediately flies to Tashkent, Uzbekistan to visit government agencies and cooperative enterprises such as the Ministry of Transport, the Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Uzbekistan Railway Container Company, and the Andijan State Federation of Industry and Commerce. They hold practical and effective discussions and communication on the opening of a new international multimodal transportation route between China and Uzbekistan, and achieve a series of substantive results,  ultimately clarifying the transportation route, breaking through key issues such as jointly building logistics centers.


The successful conclusion of the Kashgar - Uzbekistan inspection has laid a solid foundation for the opening of the new "China-Uzbekistan" international multimodal transport route, and established good cooperative relations and communication mechanisms with numerous domestic and foreign government agencies and cooperative enterprises. All parties express that they will actively leverage their resource advantages and tap into cooperation potential and work together to open new international trade and transport channels that reach deep into the heart of Central Asia, and provide new opportunities and impetus for Belt and Road cooperation, regional trade exchanges, and logistics facilitation.


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