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Taitong International invite foreign dignitaries to visit Langfang Economic & Trade Fair, discuss further cooperation!

Add time:2023-06-21   Number of views:225  

From June 17th to June 21st, the 2023 China · Langfang International Economic and Trade Fair is held in Langfang City, where Taitong International Transportation Co., LTD.(hereinafter refers to as Taitong International), together with seven countries along the "the Belt and Road", including Russia, Belarus, Vietnam, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Cyprus and Sri Lanka, present their products, handicrafts and food,etc.


Taitong International has invited political leaders and business leaders from Russia, Belarus, Vietnam, Cyprus, Namibia , etc. to observe the Fair and attend the Business Logistics Forum. The "Commodity Exhibition of Countries along the Belt and Road" jointly organized by Taitong International and Linkong Group has become a hot spot and highlight of the exhibition, attracting the attention of many visitors and exhibitors, allowing foreign visitors to witness China's huge consumption potential and market opportunities.


Political leaders of many countries have held discussions with Taitong International, visited the headquarters of Taitong International, and inspected the development of logistics and transportation, agricultural product trade, pulp and paper industry, in order to consolidate the existing cooperation foundation, and reach in-depth cooperation in a wider range of fields. 


On June 17th, under the leadership of the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, Chairman of Taitong International, Chu Xuan and Belarusian Ambassador to China, Senko Yuri, hold a luncheon to renew the friendship and discuss the cooperation; Ambassador Senko Yuri affirms the achievements made by Taitong International in logistics and trade cooperation between China and Belarus, and hopes that Taitong International will continue to deepen economic and trade cooperation with Belarus and make greater contributions to economic and trade exchanges between the two countries. 


On June 18th, Dmitry Nikolaevich Gorbachev, the First Deputy Governor of Vologda Region in Russia, and Yvgeny Klimanov, the Minister of Economic Development of Vologda Region, come to Taitong International and visit the Beijing-Xiongan-Baoding International Smart Port accompanied by Chairman Chu Xuan. They hold a meeting where both sides state they will cooperate in the construction of international freight terminals and pulp processing projects to jointly promote trade and logistics transportation cooperation between China and Russia.


On June 17th, at the invitation of Taitong International, Labun Valery, Director General of Brest Branch of Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the President of BAKALEYA Company of Belarus, come from after to attend Langfang International Economic and Trade Fair. At the "Commodity Exhibition of Countries along the Belt and Road", a great number of Belarusian specialty goods has been displayed and received numerous attention and cooperation orders.


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