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New Economic growth point of Baoding "Growing Beijing-Tianjin-Baoding International Smart Port"

Add time:2020-09-10   Number of views:252  

At 2pm on September 10th, member group of all media center of Baoding Daily press went to Beijing-Tianjin-Baoding international smart port for an interview centering on fostering new economic growth points. They covered project construction and business development of Taitong International Transportation Co., Ltd..


All media center reporters in the conference room listened to Chu Xuan’s multi-faceted and mulit-layered introduction. First he introduced China-ASEAN freight train operation, conferences with consul-generals from Malaysia,Thailand,Myanmarand Laos and "Boundary Bridge Meeting" between delegations led by deputy secretary-general Zhou Linwei and participants from the Vietnamese side. Then, he introduced his feeling on attending Service and Trade Fair in Beijing and the contract signing with Vietnam. In the end, Chu Xuan elaborated on the overall landscape of Beijing-Tianjin-Baoding International Smart Port. Its business covered freight train operation, customs declaration, tax refund and other door-to-door and one-stop services. Now Taitong International started to organize local import and export trade enterprises to station in the park zone. At present, more than 20 enterprises have settled in the park zone and seventy to eighty intended to settle there. Settled enterprises can enjoy trade subsidies, tax rebates and other policies given by the local government. Beijing and Tianjin customs supervision and control site will provide high-quality services for import and export trade enterprises with the concept of high efficiency, quick refund and good service.


After hearing the report,under the scorching sun,reports of all media center accompained by Chu Xuan,chaieman of Taitong International,conducted an on-the-spot interview on the site of customs supervision and operation of Beijing-Tianjin-Baoding International Smart Port. Chu Xuan detailed the construction progress of comprehensive office hall,intelligent storage yard,inspection platform,and reservoir area and said:"Due to rainy season,many delays took place, now we endeavor to make sure the completion in mid-late September.



Based on mature business, Taitong International has made efforts to establish multimodal transport model of customs clearance integration including import and export trade enterprises’ entry-customs declaration-tax rebates- freight trains/shipping/road transport. The company will holistically promote the progress of modern logistics circulation system building in terms of hardware and software and develop new circulation technique, business type and model, which will bring about sensational benefits for Baoding and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area.

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